Monday, July 23, 2018

Day 3 Team 2: Poonakari Pre-School Opening Ceremony

“Today is a day of transformation”.

From a desolate ruin to a state-of-the-art pre-school building. From a village with no access to early years education, to a village primed with two able teachers ready to engage, develop and nourish the young children of Poonakary.

OST Founder Dilanee officially opening the pre-school

Poonakary was the birthplace of Mr. Rasanyagam. A humble, gentle soul who founded the Mahadeva Children’s Home. His long-term dream was to set up a pre-school in his home village, and after months of hard work assisted by OST funds, the pre-school was officially opened today. Sadly Mr. Rasanyagam passed away late last year and was unable to witness his dream being fulfilled. His son, in-laws and grandchildren were all present to pay tribute to such a wonderful man. His legacy will live on.

Dilanee standing with the landowner who has donated her land to the pre-school

Reflections from members of Team 2 who attended the opening ceremony today:

Today we visited Poonakary pre-school and saw the opening ceremony. It was incredible to see the transformation of the nursery as we took a tour of a similar building that had been shelled during the civil war. The opening ceremony was very grand and I was honoured to be part of it.

Guard of honour for guests

Teamwork. Transformation. Togetherness. These are some of the words that come to mind when I think about this morning’s pre-school opening ceremony at Poonakary. It was amazing to see so many different people at the ceremony and to be part of such an event. The juxtaposition between the vibrant new pre-school and the bombsite across the road highlighted the extent of transformation within the area and the hardship that the locals have endured.

Dilanee and Sasi Rasanyagam lighting the oil lamp at the entrance to the pre-school

I enjoyed the ceremony very much even though I didn’t understand most of it as it was in Tamil! Despite the language, I find myself still able to follow some conversations and speeches. I found the ceremony very heart-rendering, especially for the lady of had donated the land (that was formerly her house) for the pre-school. Also to see Mr. Rasanyagam’s wife who was clearly so proud but so sad at the loss of her husband. Bittersweet.   

Volunteers stand with the newly appointed pre-school teachers (right) and the first cohort of children starting in September.

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