Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Painting Pattipalai Pre-School: Steve's Story

As part of the OST volunteer team, Steve has offered his services this week for a variety of jobs to help with OST's on-going running of pre-schools in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.

On Monday and Tuesday Steve was given the small task of transforming Pattipalai pre-school. Pattipalai is very remote, sparsely populated village that was heavily affected by the civil war, forcing many families to flee from being forcibly recruited into the rebel military.

First, Steve had to negotiate at the DIY store for paint and tools, and then to go to the pre-school to start the work. In terms of UK volunteers Steve was left alone, but was assisted by Christian, OST's tuc-tuc driver.

Here's Steve's amazing story from the last two days, what an adventure!

When I arrived at the school I saw the building was extremely run down and in some areas dilapidated with holes in the floor and peeling walls. When I entered the school for the first time I was met by 10 smiling faces. The children were sat round the teacher who was teaching them the English alphabet. The welcome was warm and everyone seemed to be pleased I was there. I wanted to make the school better for them so the children could enjoy their school.    

Steve prepping his paint

The teachers were lovely giving me food and drink in plenty whilst I worked. It was great hearing the children sing the lollipop song as I painted.
I felt privileged that my contribution would be part of the message of hope and that they would know that there were many people who were looking out for them. I felt so sad that these people had been so neglected. It was an abuse and I felt that what I was doing was standing up for them and pushing that negligence away. I was honoured to do so.

Pre-school before 1

Pre-school before 2

I painted inside and out, removing ancient spider nests from the walls and repairing the broken wire mesh. I wanted the children to be comfortable when they were learning. Christian ( the Black Tiger!) immediately knew what I needed and was invaluable translating and later helping with the work. I really liked him and the support he gave to the project. Without him and the teachers who assisted me after teaching, it would not have been such a success. 

Teacher and children excited by Steve's visit

Pre-school after 1

The team. 

On the second and last day I gave the teacher a jar of lollipops for the children and I was met with big grins. On completion I felt that I had helped people who really needed it and that I was part of the first building block for them to continue to give their children the right environment to learn.   

The teacher standing proud in her newly painted pre-school

Painting Pattipalai Pre-School: Steve's Story

As part of the OST volunteer team, Steve has offered his services this week for a variety of jobs to help with OST's on-going running o...